The TFRA (Tax Free Retirement Account):

Why hasn’t my financial advisor 

ever told me about this?

Reason 1: Most financial advisors don’t know that an account like this exists. Nor, do they know how to set it up to be legally tax-free for the account holder.

Reason 2: Most financial advisors recommend financial vehicles that the company they've contracted with… tells them to recommend.  

Reason 3: They don’t want to take a pay cut! In IRAs and 401Ks, advisors charge fees and commissions on the deferred tax liability, which drives up your investing cost.

As a result, less than 0.07% of Americans have what we call a "TFRA" account set up—while more than half the population has a taxable 401(k) or similar tax-deferred retirement account.

With A Tax-Deferred 401(k) or IRA…

  • You must pay taxes (either in advance or when you're taking income in the future).

  • Your money is not liquid (you can't access your money any time you want, and if you do a hardship withdrawal, you're heavily penalized).

  • You are limited to how much you invest (plans with most tax benefits have annual funding limits).

  • Your money is not guaranteed (the money in your 401(k) or IRA may increase in up markets but accordingly will decline in falling markets).

  • You are required to report your earnings to the IRS. (Everything in a 401(k) or IRA is uncle sam’s business.)

With a Tax-Free Retirement Account…

  • You don’t pay taxes on growth or principal. Ever. ( This is 100% legal if your TFRA account is set up correctly, and structured according to current IRS tax-code.)

  • ​Positive Interest is GUARANTEED every year regardless of stock market fluctuation. (Average historical returns of 5-7% annually – tax-free, and net of fees and costs)

  • Your Account is GUARANTEED not to go backwards. (Lock in gains when the market is up, but suffer NO loss when the market is down)

  • Your money is Liquid. (Take money out any time you want – for any reason – without penalty – WHILE 100% of your money continues to earn interest.)

  • ​You are not required to report money you take out to the IRS. (The IRS doesn’t consider money taken out as ‘income’ – so there’s no tax. Its none of their business!)

And there are many more wonderful fiscal things you can do with an account like this...


Is It “Too Good To Be True,” You Ask?

Nope. It’s very real.

In fact, an Account like a TFRA is not a new investment strategy.  

Accounts like these have been used by wealthy individuals and families for over 100 years to build, then pass on fortunes in a legally tax-free environment.

Ever been to Disneyland? Did you know Walt Disney’s visionary idea almost never came to fruition?

When Walt was looking for funding for his dream park everyone thought he was crazy and that it would never work… he leveraged everything including his personal home to make it a reality… In the end it was his TFRA account he leveraged that gave him the liquidity he needed to make it a reality.

Banks like Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, Bank of America hold more assets in these accounts than they hold in real estate!

President John F. Kennedy had an account like this.

So did Presidents Taft, Cleveland, McKinley, Harding, and FDR (FDR, in fact, held a large portion of his estate—$562,142 or over $7 million in today's dollars—inside his account...)

Even John McCain used his account to fund his electoral campaign back in '08.

Joe Biden, our current president has SIX of these accounts...

The only question is...

Do You Qualify For A Tax-Free Retirement Account?

A TFRA is NOT available just to the super-rich… 

However: an account like this can only be technically set up if you or your family qualify for it.

To discover if you qualify for a TFRA, take our 30 second survey below.

To see if you qualify, complete the survey below:

30 Seconds To Apply and Pre-Qualify

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